State Testing Schedule

Our state testing begins next week.  What can you do to help?

  1. Please make sure that  your child gets an adequate amount of sleep each night for these next two weeks so they can perform to the best of their ability.
  2. Make sure they have a healthy breakfast.  
  3. Make sure they are to school on time.  All of our testing begins at the very start of the day.  If they are late, they cannot interrupt the class to begin the test.  They will have to make up the test on another day.
  4. Encourage your child to do their best and be super positive with them! :o)

Here is our testing schedule:

April 19th: ELA test 4th: 8:30-10:00

April 21st: ELA test 4th: 8:30 – 10:00

April 25th: Math test 4th: 8:30 – 10:00

April 26th: Math test 4th: 8:30-10:00

April 27th: Social Studies test 4th: 8:30-10:00

April 28th: Social Studies test 4th: 8:30 – 10:00


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