Springmill learning center/Library

Today we went to the Springmill learning center and the Richland Library.At the Springmill learning center we did mathematical problems in centers.  Also we went to the science room and we made magnet contraption which we used Gravatational vacuum to pull the foam ball up into our group contraption. Then we went to the alternative resource room and we went into centers and found diffrent ways to make energy. Then we went to the alternative energy lab.  We looked at different energy resources in the World.  We also used a variety of resources to problem solve how we could power our country.  We were given problems and had to find green solutions for these areas.  The most fun activity was providing power by riding a stationary bike. We had to use teamwork. 

 Next we went to the Richland Library.We broke into pairs and found different rotations about energy and inventions .  The engineering set up was really cool and interactive.  After we talked about what we learned and took a quiz on the quiz machine we relaxed in the readin area and listened to Mrs. Rowlands read “The City Of Ember”then came back to school and reflected on what we did!

By Amina & Xsamari


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