All posts by fabulousfourthgraders

Honey Haven Farm and Rowlands’ Home

Yesterday we had the opportunity to go to Honey Haven Farm.  Mr. John spoke to us about his greenhouses, plant grafting, the greenhouse effect efficiency and showed us a view to his brother’s solar panels.

We then carried on a few miles down the road to Mrs. Rowlands’ House.  It was there that Mr. Rowlands spoke to us about geothermal energy and showed us his windmill that is being assembled to aerate the pond.  We took a stroll through the woods, looked a several compost options, got eggs from the chickens and played wiffle ball!

Earth Song Discovery Farm continued…..

a walk….
checking out the bees
The windmill was made of all repurposed materials.
This greenhouse and house is buildt into the side of a hill.
Eager to use the compost toilet?!
We are walking on the roof of the underground house.
We got to try maple water collected from the steam whilst making maple syrup.
Strawberry towers makes the most use of smaller spaces.
Hydroponic gardening at its best!
The greenhouses had quite a lot of old and perfected practices that they leanred from the Amish.
What is it about fans that children of all ages love singing into them?
The children loved holding the new chicks.

Meat rabbits…or the Easter bunny?

Earth Song Discovery Farm

Last week we had the opportunity to go to Earth Song Discovery Farm in Lodi. This farm practices bio-dynamic farming.  This was something new to us. We saw lots of new and energy efficient items that blew us away!  In the underground greenhouse that led to a home, there was solar panels, wind mill and a composting toilet.  They were also putting together a washing machine run by a bicycle!

Graphing nature 

This week in math we have been looking at interpreting data.  On Friday we decided to go outside to interpret some data that mother nature gave us.  Two groups divided and graphed two topics: colors of flowers and colors of leaves.  Finding data is easy.  Trying to organize and interpret data is a whole other ball game!

Update from last week’s learning activities

Along with Mr. Rowlands visiting our class on  Thursday to talk about nuclear energy and how it is produced, we also did a few experiments to see how we could use the existing objects (steam, evaporation, sun and hydrogen) to its fullest potential in everyday life.
  Building windows in homes to include the Sun’s heat when needed proves useful.

  How can evaporation be used?  Ask your child!

Springmill learning center/Library

Today we went to the Springmill learning center and the Richland Library.At the Springmill learning center we did mathematical problems in centers.  Also we went to the science room and we made magnet contraption which we used Gravatational vacuum to pull the foam ball up into our group contraption. Then we went to the alternative resource room and we went into centers and found diffrent ways to make energy. Then we went to the alternative energy lab.  We looked at different energy resources in the World.  We also used a variety of resources to problem solve how we could power our country.  We were given problems and had to find green solutions for these areas.  The most fun activity was providing power by riding a stationary bike. We had to use teamwork. 

 Next we went to the Richland Library.We broke into pairs and found different rotations about energy and inventions .  The engineering set up was really cool and interactive.  After we talked about what we learned and took a quiz on the quiz machine we relaxed in the readin area and listened to Mrs. Rowlands read “The City Of Ember”then came back to school and reflected on what we did!

By Amina & Xsamari